Improved Trip Generation Data for Texas Using Workplace and Special Generator Surveys

(PI: Edwin Hard (TTI), CoPIs: Chandra Bhat, David Pearson, Brian Bochner, Kevin Hall, Stella Nepal, Chris Simek, Ben Sperry, Lisa Larsen, and Chrissy Bernardo)

Travel estimates from models and manuals developed from trip attraction rates having high variances due to few survey observations can reduce confidence and accuracy in estimates. This project will utilize data from more than a decade of workplace and special generator travel surveys in Texas to develop a consistent set of attraction rates for small and medium-size Texas MPOs, to determine whether a generic attraction model can be used for different urban areas, and to establish an attraction rate manual for Texas that can be for modeling and local land development purposes. Analyses will be performed on a statewide basis where data from all of Texas' modeling areas are combined and on groupings of survey data where data from modeling areas have been compiled into small, medium, and large size areas. The analyses will identify similarities, differences, and trends in attraction rates and variances and evaluate them across area types, land use types, and employment types. The project will review and evaluate the structure of cross-classification attraction models, assess workplace survey design in Texas, the standardization of area types in Texas for modeling purposes, and how attraction rates and data are used in trip and activity based models.