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Bio Sketch

Navid Saleh is currently an Assistant Professor of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE), at University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining at UT, Dr. Saleh served at University of South Carolina as an Assistant Professor (from 2009-2013). Dr. Saleh was a post-doctoral trainee at the Chemical Engineering Department, at Yale University, New Haven, CT (between June 2007-Dec 2008). He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, in May 2007 in Civil and Environmental Engineering and his BS degree was completed at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in Civil Engineering in 2001. Dr. Saleh's research interests include: (1) fundamental aggregation and deposition behavior of nanomaterials, (2) nanomaterials for environmental remediation, (3) engineering application of nanomaterials (composite materials, sensors), and (4) engineering education. Saleh group has been funded by NSF, NIH, USAF, SCDOT, and GSE&C. The group has published 40 research articles and book chapters with >2650 citations in high impact peer-reviewed journals that include: Environmental Science and Technology, Nano Letters, Langmuir, Nanotechnology, Environmental Health Perspectives, Environmental Engineering and Science, etc.
