CE 394K.3 GIS in Water Resources

Fall Semester 2011

University of Texas at Austin

Instructors: David R. Maidment, David G. Tarboton and Ayse Irmak



Course Videos are viewable at: http://www.utwired.engr.utexas.edu/maidment11/


Course Syllabus: Syllabus2011.docx     Syllabus2011.htm


Term Project Proposals:  TermProjProp.htm


Term Project Update:  TermProjUpdate.htm


Term Project List: TermProjList.htm


Term Project Oral Presentations: TermPaperPresentations.docx


Job Opportunities with Naval Oceanographic Office: Recruiting_Flyer_Fall_2011.pdf


Job Opportunities with Halff and Associates  Halff.docx


Job Opportunities with High Plains Water District HighplainsGIS.docx  HighPlainsGISDescription.docx


Hill Country Project Proposal: HCCProposal.docx


Significant Digits in Attribute Tables SignificantDigits.docx


Term Paper Library: http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/giswr2011/docs/termpaperlibrary.htm 


Session 1: Thurs 25 August Lecture 1: Introduction to GIS in Water Resources   Slides Lecture12011.pptx  GISWRSynopsis1.pdf


Session 2: Tues 30 August  Lecture 2: Introduction to ArcGIS software  Lecture22011.pptx GISWRSynopsis2.pdf


Session 3:  Thurs 1 September  Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS Ex12011.docx Ex12011.htm  Ex12011PartB.docx Ex12011PartB.htm  Ex12011Data.zip    GISWRSynopsis3.pdf


Session 4: Tues 6 September  Data Sources for GIS in Water Resources   GISWRSynopsis4.pdf   DataSources2011.pdf   DataSources2011.pptx


Session 5: Thurs 8 September    Exercise 2: Building a Base Map of the San Marcos Basin    GISWRSynopsis5.pdf  Ex2Data.zip Ex22011.docx  Ex22011.htm  Ex22011Soln.docx


Session 6: Tues 13 September   Geodesy, map projections and coordinate systems   GISWRSynopsis6.pdf   MapProj.pptx


Session 7:  Thurs 15 September    Spatial analysis using Grids   GISWRSynopsis7.pdf   Spatial.pptx   RasterCalcExamples.zip Hmwk1.docx  Hmwk1Soln.docx


Session 8:  Tues 20 September   Exercise 3: Spatial Analysis   Ex32011.pdf  Ex32011.docx   Ex32011.htm  Data: Ex3.zip   Slope.pdf  Synopsis8.pdf   Ex32011Soln.docx


Session 9: Thurs 22 September  Watershed and Stream Network Delineation using DEM’s.    GISWRSynopsis9.pdf   DEMWatershedDelineation.pptx


Session 10:  Tues 27 September Exercise 4:   Watershed and Stream Network Delineation  GISWRSynopsis10.pdf   Ex42011.docx  Ex42011.pdf   Data File:  Ex4.zip   Ex4Correction.docx  Ex4Soln2011.docx


Session 11: Thurs 29 September  Hydro Networks GISWRSynopsis.pdf   HydroNetwork.pptx  Homework2.docx   HydroNetworkRevised.pptx Hmwk2Soln.pdf


Session 12: Tues 4 October   Applications of Hydro Networks   HydroNetworkApplications.pptx


Session 13: Thurs 6 October  Review for Midterm Exam  Review2011.docx, Review2011.htm Review2011.pdf  Review2011.pptx


Session 14:  Tues 11 October  Midterm Exam Exam2011Soln.pdf


Session 15: Thurs 13 October  Review of Midterm Exam.   Elevation Data for Floodplain Mapping  FloodMappingSenate.pdf   FloodElevation.pptx


Session 16: Tues 18 October  Water quality modeling using Arc Hydro and Schematic Processor GISWRSynopsis16.pdf  SchematicProcessor.pptx   Ex5.docx  Ex5Data.zip


Session 17: Thurs 20 October Arc Hydro Groundwater  GISWRSynopsis17.pdf  AHGroundwater.pptx   AHGroundwaterTools.pptx  WaterLevelsCam.avi  


Session 18: Tues 25 October  CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System  CUAHSIHIS.pptx   GISWRSynopsis18.pdf


Session 19: Thurs 27 October  Remote Sensing  RemoteSensing.pptx  GISWRSynopsis.pdf


Session 20: Tues 1 November   Floodplain mapping II  Floodmap.pptx  RiskMap.pdf  FloodMappingSenate.pdf


Session 21: Thurs 3 November  Exercise 6: Applications of Remote Sensing GISWRSynopsis21.pdf  ApplicationsRemoteSensing.pptx  Ex6.docx  Ex6.htm    


Session 22: Tues 8 November  TermPaperPresentations.docx   AccessingCensusData.pdf   Census.pptx   Nebraska.pdf  Texas.pdf  Utah.pdf  DatumDevelopments.pptx


Session 23: Thurs 10 November Airborne Multispectral scanning and Lidar Measurement for Water Resources (Christopher Neale, USU)  Neale.pdf


Sessions 24 – 28 Term Paper Presentations  TermProjList.htm  Term Project Theme List  Themes.htm


Final Exam  GISWR2011Final.docx  Data http://www.caee.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/giswr2011/utah/LoganBasin.zip